


Georgia has worked at Playful Productions with Matthew, Nia and Nick since 2006, starting as an intern at Act Productions and then as a founding member of Playful. As Associate Producer she develops and produces new projects for Playful. Current and recent productions include Wolf Hall and Bring Up The Bodies (West End and Broadway), the Donmar’s production of The Weir (West End), The Audience (West End and Broadway) and American Buffalo (West End).

What does Stage One mean to you?
Throughout nearly nine years working in commercial theatre I have always rubbed shoulders with Stage One in one way or another, first as a participant on the Stage One Course for Producers and latterly as a panellist for various networking sessions and as a mentor to young producers. I have watched many ambitious and talented young producers learn the ropes through the Stage One internship at Playful and I have admired colleagues who have taken the leap to independently produce in the commercial sector with the help of the Stage One start-up scheme. The team at Stage One offer a wonderful resource of information and support to young producers and I greatly admire the range of opportunities that the charity offers.

Last show you saw and loved?
The Young Vic production of A View From The Bridge was completely electrifying. Ivan Van Hoe’s revival remains true to Arthur Miller’s text but is a wholly original and captivating production. Everyone involved is at the top of their game and it was great to see first class actors supported by a fabulous set, lighting and sound design. It really is one of those seminal productions that will be talked about for many years.

Highlight of 2014?
My highlight of 2014 has to be the journey of Wolf Hall and Bring Up The Bodies from Stratford to the West End and on to Broadway (where we are about to open the productions now). The adaptations of Hilary Mantel’s brilliant novels were commissioned by us at Playful and so it was a particularly satisfying process to see these home-grown plays take shape and make their way to the stage. We were lucky enough to team up with the RSC who are the best at producing historical drama of this scale and we were blessed with a first class creative team. It has been quite a journey and a great learning curve for me and I still feel a tingle of excitement each time the curtain rises on our Tudor world.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
I am lucky to work for three extraordinarily talented producers – Matthew Byam Shaw, Nia Janis and Nick Salmon – and I have spent the last eight years learning from their expertise. Whilst it is always tempting to want to mirror those you admire, some of the best advice I have been given is to remember you are your own person and it is important to recognise your own value and skills. I will always be grateful for the support and opportunities I have been given and it is important to keep your humility and continue to learn from those around you but I think it is also good to have confidence in your own convictions and artistic taste.

American Buffalo opens on the 16th April at The Wyndham’s Theatre
The Audience is currently playing at The Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre, Broadway
The Audience opens in the West End on 21st April starring Kirstin Scott Thomas at The Apollo Theatre
Wolf Hall Parts One & Two is currently playing at The Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway

To find out more information on Playful Productions please click HERE