


Since graduating from the University of Kent in 2012 with an M Drama in Creative Producing Louise has been working as a Company Manager  in Oxford, providing child casts for major productions and tours.  During this time she also formed her own production company, acting as a general manager for a number of successful plays.  Louise’s education and experience in producing gives her a first-hand understanding of the practical and organisational challenges that face new producers and the fantastic sense of achievement when a new production moves from concept to reality.

How have you found the year in your role as Programme Manager?
Mad, but in a good way!  It is such a great role, being able to get out and meet aspiring producers and work with them to help them produce great work.  I have produced on the fringe so I know about some of the pitfalls, it is tough, but you shouldn’t be intimidated and just give it a go.

What does Stage One mean to you?
On a personal note, I have made so many new amazing colleagues/friends and been to see some really mind-blowing theatre.  On a professional level, it’s great to work for an organisation that is so respected and supported by everyone in the industry.  I am constantly surprised by how much time even the busiest producers and theatre makers give to nurturing new talent in the West End and across the UK.

Last show you saw and loved?
A Christmas Carol.  I loved the puppetry and the design of the show.  Also La Soiree is such a fun night out, take some friends, book a booth and get ready to be amazed.   I am really sad that Billy Elliot is finishing – I have seen it so many times.  I will have to catch it on tour!

What do you think, is the best thing about the Theatre Industry?
How collaborative it is.  Everyone is trying to make theatre in the UK as good and as sustainable as possible.  The time our council and sub committees give is absolutely integral to the work we do, and are some of the most inspirational and influential people in the business.

What should we be looking out for next year?
Our 40th Anniversary celebrations and the announcement of our new development programme…watch this space!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Treat everyone you meet like they are having the worst day of their life – and make it better.

What is your new year’s resolution?
I don’t have one… January is depressing enough in the hangover from Christmas, I don’t want the added pressure of joining the gym!