
Dates For Your Diaries: 2021


And goodbye to 2020…

We could not have predicted that 9 months ago there would have been a nationwide lockdown. Here at Stage One, we have been in awe of the dedication and resilience of producers throughout all of this. It has been uplifting for us in this extremely difficult time, to see how you have come together as pioneers of this industry to provide as much support as possible.

We are not naive to think that hardship will not continue into 2021 (even with a vaccine), and Stage One remain committed to providing financial and practical support where we can. We want to change the narrative that producing is a lonely business. So, please continue to rely on your Stage One network for comfort in the hard times and celebration in the achievements.

We are thrilled to be able to share with you some exciting opportunities for next year. We hope for more stability in order to host workshops in person, meet more producers and see more live theatre. But until then, we wish you a wonderful Christmas break and a happy new year.

Joe, Louise, Siobhan & Suzie x

Zoom In On – Returns in January

Our hugely popular series throughout lockdown will re-ignite in the New Year as we hope to kick of 2021 with some motivation for you all. Thank you to all those who hosted a session over the Summer and we hoped they were useful in keeping you engaged in our ever important industry. See below for dates to add to your diaries! Registration links & more details to follow in the new year.




Bursary Awards – Spring Awards

It has been a joy for us to be able to award bursaries in Autumn this year. We were overwhelmed with the amount of applications we received and are pleased to have supported 12 brilliant producers so they can create work next year. We’re pleased to confirm we’ll be doing the same in Spring!

Bridge The Gap – Apps Opening in Spring

In Spring 2021, we will be opening applications for the next round of producers to join the Bridge The Gap year-long training programme.

People with an ethnically diverse background, that identify as working class, are LGBTQIA+ and/or those that have a mental or physical impairment are drastically under-represented across Stage One’s development programmes and the industry as a whole. Bridge The Gap is a unique initiative developed by Stage One to specifically cater to those people.

The development programme will support 10 emerging producers each year. We aim to give them the skills they need to make the next step in their producing careers through; workshops, mentoring and now, kick start grants.

Does this sound like the programme for you? Applications will open soon, but if you’d like any further information or have any quesitons, please email us for an initial discussion. We’d love to hear from you.