


Emma Brünjes is an experienced producer, promoter and General Manager with ten years’ experience in theatre and comedy as Head of Avalon Promotions, General Manager of Productions and Programming at Nimax Theatres and Producer of the Edinburgh Comedy Awards. In 2013 she founded ebp, which has quickly established itself as a producer of great productions and great talent across its broad portfolio. Since 2013, ebp has produced over 40 productions and sold over 400,000 tickets receiving its first Olivier nomination in 2016 for Alice’s Adventures Underground. In May 2016 Emma joined forces with her brother Ralph to set-up ebp live, a bespoke new live ticketing provider.

Current Productions include: Nina Conti (Criterion & UK Tour); The Games Afoot (Madame Tussauds); Dinner at the Twits (Vaults); Grumpy Old Women Live (UK Tour); The Great British Spin Off (UK Tour); Bikeology (UK Tour) and Joe Stilgoe’s Songs on Film (UK Tour)

Emma is a member of the Society of London Theatre and hosts a Stage One London Commercial Trainee Producer at ebp.

What does Stage One mean to you?
Without my bursary in 2006 I would never have been able to realise my first ever professional production by a then unknown playwright, Mike Bartlett, directed by the then up and coming director, James Grieve. The poster of Artefacts now proudly hangs above my desk in Covent Garden. Stage One not only supported our production financially but gave me the superb guidance of Mark Rubenstein which lead to the opening of a number of doors and the introduction to now many industry friends and colleagues.
10 years later and it’s great to be able to start returning the favour by supporting the producer placement (which I wish had been around 10 years ago) and being able to be part of the next generation of theatre makers.

Last show you saw and loved?
Too many to choose from….and at the moment so many friends who have been working tirelessly for over 10 years in the industry are achieving such great things it’s tricky to choose. So, cheating slightly, I would say: People, Places and Things; Bugsy Malone; Nell Gwynne; The Flick…sorry the list goes on.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
I stood outside a West End Theatre in 2011, when I was General Managing a production, and said to my friend who was Associate Director, “I can’t wait for that to be our production.” She turned to me and very wisely said, “it will, but in time.” That was smart advice. Be bold, be ambitious and be brave but learn from those around you, take time to hone your craft and realise your skills, potential, strengths and weakness. Breathe. And remember it’s a marathon not a sprint and planning always pays off!

Bursary applications will reopen on Monday 11th July, please visit the website HERE to find our more information or call us on 020 7557 6737 to speak with Louise.
To find out further details about our London Commercial Producer Placement Scheme click HERE.
To find out more information on ebp click HERE.