


In 2014 Joshua joined Seabright Productions as a Stage One London Trainee Producer and is now the Associate Producer. Joshua began working in theatre by undertaking work experience with Cameron Mackintosh Ltd whilst at Hull University. He was a production intern for Festival Highlights and James Seabright in 2012, a production assistant at Slung Low Theatre Company and an assistant producer at Hull Truck Theatre working on their mid scale tours. Joshua has attended the Stage One New Producers workshop and the National Theatre’s young producers workshop.

At the moment you are…
I am the Associate Producer at Seabright Productions. We are just about to go into rehearsals for the UK tour of It’s A Wonderful Life, we have Potted Potter continuing on its 2015 World Tour and have just finished a US Tour of America’s Got Downton.

What does Stage One mean to you?
For me Stage One is continued support but in the first instance it is a way of demystifing the industry. The commercial producing world from the outside can seem incredibly hard to crack but Stage One can enable you to gain the correct knowledge, skills and connections to make the industry more accessible. I am a recent graduate of the Producing Placement which afforded me an opportunity to learn in a very hands on way the processes of commercial theatre producing. The other added bonus to the Producing Placement is you go though the scheme with 5 or so other young producers who are all in different production offices, this enables you to share in their experiences and through this start to build your own idea of how you would want to operate when you choose to strike out on your own.

Last show you saw and loved?
I absolutely loved Tooting Arts Club’s Sweeny Todd in the Harrington’s Pie shop on Shaftesbury Avenue. This style of presenting the show really brought to light the musical and comic subtleties that are sometimes compromised in larger productions. I think it’s fantastic that a show like this was able to be brought into the heart of the West End, it’s a shame it can’t stay there and continue to run!

What are you looking forward to in 2015?
I am looking forward to continuing with my role at Seabright Productions whilst also developing a few projects of my own. I am fortunate in that James is not only very supportive with allowing me to work on my own projects but I also really enjoy my work for Seabright Productions and being integral to the delivery of their shows.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
I suppose the best piece of advice is from my dad who always reminds me that ‘It is a Marathon not a Sprint’. As a result of this I try to make sure: the show, creative team and venue are perfect for each other before pursuing a project and don’t just put on anything anywhere that will have it!

To find out more information on Seabright Productions click HERE.
To find out more information on Stage One’s London Commerical Producing Placement click HERE.
To find out more information on Stage One’s New Producers’ Workshop click HERE.