David is Artistic Director of Sell a Door Theatre Company Ltd, Producer for Hutchinson Rowntree Ltd and International Associate of Brooklyn Youth Company in New York. David was the recipient of the Stage One New Producers Bursary in 2013 and the Stage One Start Up Fund in 2014.
At the moment you are…
About to open The History Boys UK Tour at the Southend Palace Theatre (opening officially today) which tours for 6 months; as well as directing our smaller scale tour of Jekyll and Hyde, which we commissioned Jo Clifford to adapt for us and is funded by Arts Council England. Being a co-founder of Sell a Door allows me to experience the rich diversity this industry offers: from the large scale commercial History Boys tour, to the smaller, subsidised Jekyll and Hyde studio tour.
What does Stage One mean to you?
Stage One was, and continues to be, hugely instrumental in my growth as a producer. It is vital in championing young producers in their aspirations to contribute something meaningful to theatre. Whilst few paths in this sector are ever ‘mapped out’, I believe that learning how to be a good producer has to be on the job, utilising ones instinct, taste and guts: things that cannot be taught in a lecture hall. Stage One supports this learning experience, by providing a network of likeminded, caring people with whom we can share working practises, celebrate successes and compare our battle scars over a coffee!
Last show you saw and loved?
I absolutely loved the Scottsboro Boys when I saw it at the Garrick. Such a raw, truthful piece, that went about telling a story in such a dynamic and unique way. I think it is important to challenge our West End audiences with theatre like this. I also saw Streetcar Named Desire at the Young Vic: Gillian Anderson’s performance was stunning. It was a fantastic experience to be there the evening NT Live was beaming the show across the world, bringing theatre that we love to a global audience.
Highlight of 2014?
It has to be when our Avenue Q tour touched down at Wimbledon New Theatre, at the end of August last year. The atmosphere was absolutely electric and the cast loved playing to packed houses in their home city. It’s such a beautiful theatre and has a very good team behind it.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
“Watch your manners and you will be asked back.” That wee bit of advice, given to me by my mother when I used to visit friends’ houses for dinner. This same advice was repeated by my mentor David Pugh whilst I was being supported by the Stage One Bursary Scheme. I think it’s important to get on with the theatre: I want to be a producer that theatres look forward to working with on future productions. At Sell a Door, we try to live by the old adage and treat everyone the way we want to be treated.
Lindsay is the Founder and Producer for Fine Line Productions and also runs Bear Trap Theatre. She is currently Producer for Out Of The Cage at The Park Theatre. Lindsay was the recipient of the Stage One New Producers Bursary in October 2014.
At the moment you are…
In the middle of Out Of The Cage at Park Theatre which runs until the 14th February. We are in our second week of the run so it’s the first time in a long time I’m able to take a step back and enjoy the run.
What does Stage One mean to you?
A huge amount. I applied for the bursary scheme a number of times since doing the workshop back in 2012 and I was absolutely delighted when I was offered one last October. The contacts, support and mentoring that Stage One has offered me over the years has been invaluable. Not to mention it has lead to my current collaboration with producer Robyn Keynes who is Associate Producer on Out Of The Cage. A collaboration which I hope will continue with future productions.
Last show you saw and loved?
I have to admit I haven’t seen a great deal lately as I’ve been very busy working on Out Of The Cage. The last thing I saw and loved was Accolade, which was part of the One Stage season – produced by Nicola Seed and directed by Blanche McIntyre (both of which first introduced me to Stage One). The cast were superb and the play was a real gem which resulted in an all-round brilliant production.
Highlight of 2014?
Other than getting engaged, it would be confirming the Out Of The Cage run at Park.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
“Only take on projects you truly love, it’s far too stressful to work on things you don’t” from Andrea Brooks Head of MA Acting at East 15, Director, Producer and valued mentor.
For further details on the Bursary Scheme and to apply please click HERE