


Rachel has produced numerous shows in the UK, USA, Australia and all over the world. Since taking over as Director of ETT eight years ago, Rachel has produced over 30 shows and has worked with some of the UK’s most exciting directors, writers and designers.
She has collaborated with many of the country’s leading theatres to produce work across the whole of the UK. Rachel was formerly Head of Programming for ATG, where she programmed all of the company’s regional theatres, Chief Executive of Milton Keynes Theatre and Producer for Shared Experience Theatre.
In 2010 Rachel was elected President of the UK Theatre the national trade association.

At the moment you are…
Director of English Touring Theatre.

What does Stage One mean to you?
Stage One has been offering fantastic opportunities to emerging theatre Producers for many years. In fact, I did the Stage One Producer Workshop longer ago than I care to think! It has been an incredibly useful resource which I continue to find helpful. The lines between Commercial and not for profit, between London and the regions, are becoming increasingly blurred. It seems to me that to be a modern forward looking theatrical entrepreneur, the theatre producers of tomorrow must be able to understand and operate in all of these areas. I’m delighted that this scheme offers exactly that opportunity.

Last show you saw and loved?
Queen Anne by Helen Edmunson at the RSC – It was fantastic to see such powerful women on stage and off!
True West at the Tricycle  – Never has two men getting drunk and making toast been so gripping.
Barbarians at the Young Vic – Compelling political theatre
Showboat at Sheffield Theatres – Great night out!

What do you think, is the best thing about the Theatre Industry?
The people. The work. The endeavour.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
It’s only theatre; can’t eat it, can’t wear it.

To find further details regarding the English Touring Theatre apprentice scheme, click HERE.