
Start Up Awarded To Damien Tracey


Stage One are delighted to announce that we have awarded a Start-Up Investment of  £12,500 to Damien Tracey for his production of Little Shop Of Horrors. Damien is co-producing the tour with Sell A Door.

Damien commented that:
“Having made my entry into theatre through a performance background I was under the impression that Producing was as competitive and cutthroat. It is of course competitive but what has blown me away time and time again is the support that I have received from so many different facets of the industry but none more so then Stage One.  The wisdom, encouragement and guidance that I have received from Stage One has given me the confidence to pursue a career in Commercial Theatre Producing. I have lost count of the amount of Producers I admire that have mentioned Stage One. For me it has not only validated me as a Commercial Producer but it has also validated me to the industry and has opened doors to people that perhaps wouldn’t have been as receptive if my email signature hadn’t Stage One blazed across it. From the Apprenticeship Application, the Workshop, the Bursary and now the Start-up Fund, Stage One’s contribution to me both personally and professionally has been simply invaluable. In such austere times, to have a charity who is completely dedicated to rising up, championing and funding the next generation of Commercial Producers which in turn is helping to secure the future of our theatre industry is truly incredible. I am humbled by their support and cannot wait until I can financially contribute to the Stage One fund so their brilliant work can continue passing the torch to the generation behind mine.”