


Congratulations to The Mercury Theatre, Colchester and The Nuffield Theatre, Southampton who have been announced as the hosts for the Stage One’s Regional Producing Placements in 2015.

Thanks to the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation in 2015 Stage One can fund 2 x 12 month trainee producers in a regional subsidised theatre and in return the host organisation will train a new entrepreneurial producer by providing them with hands-on experience.

Our objectives for the scheme are:
• Stage One will graduate 2 outstanding entrepreneurial trainee producers who have developed their knowledge through hands-on experience and increased their commercial contacts.
• The subsidised houses we work with will be more ambitious in their plans to exploit more of their work and ALL will acknowledged the importance of the trainee producers, funded by The Esmeé Fairbairn Foundation, in supporting this cultural change.

Tracey Childs, The Mercury Theatre’s Producer said:

The Mercury Theatre is delighted to have been chosen as a host venue for a regional trainee producer. We recognise the excellent work that Stage One does in training the producers of the future and we are greatly looking forward to nurturing and supporting the successful candidate through a year as diverse, exciting and entertaining as the work we produce here in Colchester.

Annie Reilly, The Nuffield Theatre’s Associate Producer said:

Nuffield is delighted to be a Regional Host for the Stage One producing placement. A programme with a proven track record of training and empowering the next generation of producers, the scheme gives us a chance to work with an aspirational theatre professional, to further explore commercial producing opportunities, which is of vital importance to the regional theatre landscape at this time and which we might otherwise not have the resources to do.