
Start Up Awarded To Denise Silvey


Stage One are delighted to announce that we have awarded a Start-Up Investment of £15,000 to Denise Silvey for her tour of Dead Sheep.

Denise commented that:
“I have been involved in nearly every aspect of this business, starting as a performer and then working my way through the ranks in production.  Throughout that whole transition I have known that I have always had the support of Stage One behind me and am hugely appreciative of their assistance in allowing me to move to this next stage.  I took part in the workshop, have received a bursary and now am thrilled to be a recipient of the Start Up Fund.  I am mindful to build commercial productions with the view to yielding returns for our investors and therefore to form long-term relationships with them. I am so pleased that Stage One has become one of them.  To have this continued support from an organisation so established in commercial theatre is essential in providing reassurance for the investors and creative teams on this current production  and also for those that I am developing for the future. Stage One is so important to help nurture the producers of tomorrow, as without them there will be no theatre. I look forward to being in a position in the future to give back all I can to Stage One to aid our future producers.”