
Start Up Awarded To Johnny Wood


Stage One are delighted to announce that we have awarded a Start-Up Investment of £15,00 to Johnny Wood for his production of Murder Ballad. Murder Ballad will be performed at The Arts Theatre in Leicester Square.

Johnny commented that:
“Stage One has been a constant source of advice and guidance since I participated in the workshop back in 2012. When I made the decision to step out on my own it was considerably easier knowing there was an organisation that has a unique remit of championing and supporting new producers. Aside from the financial support on offer, the mentorship that comes packaged with this award will be invaluable to me at this stage of my career.

Each and every producer I have worked with in the past have benefitted directly in some way from Stage One. The bursary and start up awards do not only aid the individuals, it ensures an ever increasing network of potential collaborators, all creating more work, benefitting the industry as a whole. The continued strength of UK theatre will owe a great deal to this charity and the prolific producers it helps to develop.

It is an honour and a privilege to now join the Stage One Alumni by accepting the Start-Up Award for Murder Ballad.”